Group 34 (MMT) Review ....KRIPZZZ BABY!

Group (34 MMT) review

In the final peer review in accordance to the design paper, our group was tasked to review the complex and integrated outer shell of the yet to be hotel exterior.  In the presentation the group was critically reviewed upon the clarity of the presentation, ideas and the precedent’s, which resulted in their final designs for a utopia and dystopia. The hotel shells in context also were vital as it aided in the explanation of categorising each hotel as a utopia or a dystopia.

When critiquing the group’s work it was a necessary aspect for us to familiarise our self with certain “know how” and background information on the project. This was achieved through a formal presentation in which the team showcased their design in the virtual world of second life. The presentation was a key process, which allowed for us to familiarise our self’s with the project in respect to the technical and theoretical processes which allowed for the creation of complex and intricate designs. The groups ability to talk us through there design was impressive as they were able to virtually demonstrate the process of using rhino and the “plug in” grasshopper to produce a mesh or weave engraving in a solid object obtained through the planer surface produced by three or more lines.

One of the most necessary aspects of the complied review was the group’s ability to integrate precedence into their work; this was either to form around a utopia or a dystopia. However with a lack of time and development issues the group was only able to produce one such outer shell, which revolved around the dystopia. The group then exploited their creativity on second life as an artificial prim was textured to impose a decayed, yet raw atmosphere in which the dystopian hotel was to reside. The atmosphere was presented exceptionally well as this allowed the viewer to feel the extinguished nature of the hotel and also showcased the hotel in context to its surrounding environment. The group was also tasked to produce a small footage, as they would tour the hotel, this was exceptional in providing a overall view of the hotel however there was a inadequate mastering of the video recording software. The group could have also maximised the usage of the video footage, in order to identify the main entrances/exits, or significant pathways. We as a group felt that the single orbital approach when showcasing the hotel compromised for the justice deserved.

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